FCDI is a non-for-profit Non-Governmental Organization registered under Tanzania NGOs act of 2002, with the registration number 00NGO/R/5709 aiming at providing opportunities that empowers community to create positive change through Education, Environment, Entrepreneurship, Health, Culture and Tourism in Tanzania. Our main goal is enhancing and promoting good living standards of the community. It started in 2022.
This Child Protection Policy aims to protect children within our areas of interaction from any form of abuse. This policy applies to staff, volunteers, contractors, the board of directors, or any other person working on behalf of FCDI. The policy also includes training for adults involved with children, and emphasizing reporting and response guidelines in case there is any reported case of abuse.
Definition of Child Abuse
Physical Abuse – the intentional causing of physical harm to a child. This may take the form of slapping, punching, shaking, kicking, burning, shoving, and biting, strangling, poisoning or otherwise physical hurting of a child.
Emotional Abuse – involves continuing behavior by adults towards children, which includes threats, rejection, isolation, belittling, name-calling, or other non-physical forms of hostile or rejecting treatment that erodes social competence or self-esteem over time.
Neglect or negligent treatment – is the failure to provide a child – within the context of resources reasonably available to the family or caregivers – with the conditions essential for their physical and emotional development and well-being.
Sexual Abuse – occurs when someone uses their power or authority to involve a child in sexual activity. Sexually abusive behaviors can involve fondling genitals, masturbation, oral sex, vaginal or anal penetration by a penis, finger, or any other object, fondling breasts, voyeurism, exhibition or exposing a child to or involving a child in pornography. Both boys and girls can be victims of child sexual abuse.
Exploitation – Commercial or other exploitation of a child refers to the use of the child in work or other activities for the benefit of others that are unacceptable because it deprives them of their childhood, development, or dignity. This includes, but is not limited to, child labor and child prostitution.